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Val & Stand AloneOut for a ride Brownland Farm | Macy, Kelly, Lizzie, & Sea Cloud3' Green Hunter Champion and Circuit Champion Charleston Summer Classics | Kelly & Happy3' Green Hunters Brownland Farm | Caroline & ChicagoYounger Adult Hunters Zone 4 HOTY Reserve Champion Atlanta Fall Classics |
Ava & Dakota and Anna & Nose BetterPre Children's Champion and Reserve Champion Brownland Farm | Sophie & RumpleminzeMedium Pony Champions Brownland Farm | Roger & Aviator and Kelly & DSH AnkaFirst and second in the Brownland Farm Hunter Derby | Beach riding at the Charleston horse show |
Baxter and Cruz sharing a moment | Lily "helping" with show set up | Cates and MacyWalking the course Brownland Farm | Cates & Delta and Izzy & MysteriousOut for a ride after a great show day Kentucky Horse Park |
Sophie & RumpleminzeFirst time at USEF Pony Finals together | Caroline & Jaquar.85m Jumpers Brownland Farm | Addison & Riverman and Alice & EligiusAfter a great lesson getting ready to show Brownland Farm | Watching the Grand Prix with friends Brownland Farm |
Elise & Quinby IFirst show together in the Pre Children's Hunters Brownland Farm | Alice & EligiusPre Adult Hunters Reserve Champions Brownland Farm | Addison & RivermanMTHJA Low Medal Finals Reserve Champions The Jaeckle Center | Clients out for a ride and enjoying the sunshine |
MTHJA Year-End Awards Banquet | Alley & ChamonixFirst show together in the Younger Adult Hunters HITS Ocala | Virginia & Roc Paper ScissorsLow Adult Hunter Champions HITS Ocala | Val & Foreign AffairFirst horse show together in the Pre Adult Hunters Gulfcoast Classics |
Prize Baskets at In-House ShowPrize baskets from our First Annual In-House Horse Show. FarmVet, Tennessee Equine, Snaks5thAvenchew, and Opti-Ride all provided prizes | Leadliners take the BlueLeadline competitors take blue ribbons at our in-house show | Cates in the Face Mask CompetitionCates took reserve champion in the face mask competition | Caroline and the dogs |
4th of July set up | Trey, Sara, and LucilleStarting them young! 4-year-old Trey takes a lesson on Lucille | Elise & Quinby I and Addison & EligiusBeautiful weather at the Camwood MTHJA show | Elise and Lane & LucilleCamwood MTHJA show |
Alley & ChamonixAlley and Chamonix compete in the 3'3 AO hunters | Khloe & Queen BeaWinners of the $1000 Pony Derby 2 weeks in a row | Neil & LucilleChampions in the Walk Trot | Lane & BoutonniereLane takes 6th place in her first ever MTHJA Medal Finals |
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